✨ La Prima Plenaria SASA dell’A. A. 2024/2025 e Auguri di Buone Feste ✨

[English below] ⚛️ Il 14 dicembre 2024 si è tenuta la prima plenaria dell’anno accademico 2024/2025 per SASA, un momento centrale per l’associazione e i suoi membri. 🌟 Durante l’incontro sono stati presentati la nuova struttura organizzativa e i principali progetti che guideranno le attività del prossimo anno. L’evento ha registrato un’ampia partecipazione, rafforzando […]
🚀 SASA Joins NSE 2024 – New Space Economy Congress in Rome 🌌

🇪🇺SASA at New Space Economy 2024: Innovation Takes Flight! From December 16th to 18th, 2024, the Fiera di Roma will host the latest edition of the New Space Economy (NSE), the international event dedicated to innovation and space technologies. Among the key participants of this important event will be SASA! Why visit SASA’s booth? SASA […]
🌌 Giornata Nazionale dello Spazio 2024: SASA celebra all’ASI i 60 anni del satellite San Marco 🚀🇮🇹

🌌 Un evento straordinario per celebrare l’Italia nello spazio! 🚀 Il 16 dicembre 2024, l’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) ospiterà la Giornata Nazionale dello Spazio, un appuntamento imperdibile per appassionati, professionisti e studenti di aerospazio. L’evento si terrà presso l’Auditorium ASI, in via del Politecnico, a Roma, dalle 9:30 alle 12:00, e sarà l’occasione per celebrare […]
SASA is a promotional partner of The 8th CASSINI Hackathon 🚀🌌 -“Defence and Security” organized by the European Commission 🇪🇺, EUSPA, DEFIS, and EUspace!

Join the Hackathon in Rome! Interested in space technology? Learn how to utilise it and design a solution to make Europe safer and stronger. The 8th CASSINI Hackathon provides training, mentoring, and inspiration to build your own solution and – maybe – be involved in your own space startup. Big ideas start inside the Hackathon… […]
IAC 2024 🚀 – A Summary of SASA’s Delegation Activities in Milan 🇮🇹

🇪🇺The SASA delegation actively participated in IAC 2024, held at the MiCo Forum in Milan, taking on a prominent role in the event staff alongside the AIDAA association. Throughout the week, our members contributed to the organization, building new connections with industry experts and strengthening our network. SASA also attended technical panels presented by our […]
The AX-3 Mission Crew Stops at Sapienza🚀👨🚀 – Meeting with SASA Students

On 8/10 ur university was a stop on the post-flight tour of the AX-3 mission crew from Axiom Space which included Colonel Walter Villadei from the Italian Air Force 🇮🇹, Commander Michael Lopez-Alegria (Axiom Space, USA 🇺🇸), Alper Gezeravcı (Turkey 🇹🇷), and Marcus Wandt (Sweden 🇸🇪). ➡️SASA students had the unique opportunity to showcase their […]
ELEZIONI 2024-2025🗳️ – I nomi del nuovo Consiglio Direttivo

Il 28 settembre, l’Assemblea dei Soci SASA si è riunita per eleggere democraticamente i nuovi consiglieri che guideranno l’associazione per la stagione 2024-2025. Sarà Alessio Mastrogirolamo, ex Team Leader del Sapienza Rocket Team a succedere a Lorenzo Thomas Contessa nel ruolo di Presidente. Da SRT provengono anche il nuovo Vice-Presidente, con delega a Direttore Generale, […]
SAF: SASA Aerospace Forum 🇮🇹 – How Did It Go? ✨ Highlights and Gallery

🇪🇺The SAF: SASA Aerospace Forum was born in 2024 with its first edition, positioning itself as a significant gathering opportunity for students from Rome and surrounding areas who are passionate about or involved in the aerospace sector. The goal is to establish an annual reference point for young talents eager to learn from industry experts […]
One week after the ERC COMPETITION 2024 🏆🇵🇱 – Sapienza Technology Team

This year, the members of our team once again participated in the European Rover Challenge, and this time they secured sixth place in the global ranking and first place among the participating Italian universities. 🇮🇹This achievement rewards their efforts and highlights their ability to tackle technological challenges together.This result was made possible thanks to our […]
SAF: SASA Aerospace Forum

🚀 SAVE THE DATE: 20/09/2024🚀 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare la prima edizione di SAF: SASA Aerospace Forum, l’evento organizzato dagli studenti dell’associazione SASA! L’evento si terrà nella “Casa dello Spazio Italiano”, grazie al contributo dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana e sarà un’occasione unica per studenti, professionisti e appassionati del settore aerospaziale. Sarà una giornata ricca di interventi […]